Fastpages was excellent tool, but is depecrated since Novemeber 2022 (!) and we will begin migrating to the quarto. Stay tuned. The reader will notice the site is not rendering nicely.
Feb 20, 2023
In Part 2/4 of our critical review of SR we discuss the errors in Einstein's famous spherical wavefront proof. Ultimately we argue that the Law of Propagation of Light (A2) is not Lorentz invariant, contrary to Einstein's claims. The error is subtle.
Feb 17, 2023
En la Parte 2/4 de nuestra revisión crítica de SR, discutimos los errores en la famosa prueba de frente de onda esférico de Einstein. En última instancia, argumentamos que la Ley de Propagación de la Luz (A2) no es invariante de Lorentz, contrariamente a las afirmaciones de Einstein. El error es sutil.
Feb 17, 2023
In Part 3/4 of our critical review of SR we examine the homogeneous wave equation and its properties under Lorentz transformations.
Feb 17, 2023
In Part 4/4 of our critical review of SR we review the primary propositions of the previous three parts, and further consider some objections and responses to our arguments.
Feb 17, 2023
En la Parte 4/4 de nuestra revisión crítica de la RS, revisamos las proposiciones principales de las tres partes anteriores y consideramos más a fondo algunas objeciones y respuestas a nuestros argumentos.
Feb 17, 2023
En la Parte 3/4 de nuestra revisión crítica de SR, examinamos la ecuación de onda homogénea y sus propiedades bajo las transformaciones de Lorentz.
Feb 17, 2023
We are beginning to publish our essay on Special Relativity (SR). The essay is a critical review of the foundations of SR. We present the paper in several parts. In this first part, we simply address the basic assumptions of SR, Lorentz transformations, and the null cone.
Feb 16, 2023
«Мы начинаем публиковать наше эссе по специальной теории относительности (СТО). Это эссе представляет собой критический обзор основ СТО. Мы представляем статью в нескольких частях. В этой первой части мы просто обращаемся к основным предположениям СТО, Преобразования Лоренца и нулевой конус».
Feb 16, 2023
Estamos comenzando a publicar nuestro ensayo sobre la Relatividad Especial (SR). El ensayo es una revision critica de los fundamentos de la RS. Presentamos el articulo en varias partes. En esta primera parte, simplemente abordamos los supuestos basicos de la RS, Transformaciones de Lorentz, y el cono nulo.
Feb 16, 2023
Aquí esbozamos un argumento para demostrar que $P$ no es igual a $NP$. Todas las ideas se basan en discusiones con C.A. Feinstein.
Feb 15, 2023
JHM Labs has been working intensively on Weber, but we briefly return to the problem of Closing Steinberg on the mapping class group of hyperbolic surfaces. In this post we comment on the technical lemma which is delaying our progress. The question is ... How does one really decide whether curves in the universal cover project to simple closed curves, with emphasis on simple? Or equivalently ... How to decide when the $G$ translates of a doubly ended infinite geodesic $ll$ are disjoint in the universal cover? This is interesting decision problem, and serves as the prototype of a more general problem related to applications of solutions to Closing Steinberg.
Feb 4, 2023
We continue to develop the $N$ body Weber systems. Integrating the equations of motion requires a relational formulation of Hamilton's equations for the Weber Newton system. In this post we make simple comments on an interesting pseudo partial derivative which arise in applications. We would expect a Kronecker delta, but the reality is somewhat different. For calculus of relational mechanics this is very important basic computation, so must eventually be addressed by any practitioner.
Feb 2, 2023