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Newton-Weber Equations in Isolated Two-Body Systems and the Critical Radius:

Our goal is to simulate Weber's prediction of the stable $(-1)+(-1)$ molecule. Weber's electrical force law predicts that it's possible for two identical negatively charged particles to become a stable molecule of net charge $-2=-1-1$. This distance is the critical radius. It takes $E=mc^2$ much energy to bring these two particles from infinity to within the critical radius and become stable molecule. This is such a key element of Weber's force law that we must make it absolutely clear.

Integrating Newton-Weber with Python's solve ivp:

Initially we were studying implicit ODEs and this required using a DAE solver like GEKKO. However we have isolated all the relevant acceleration terms and have made the Newton-Weber explicit. This means we can either integrate the equations through solve_ivp or we can more directly integrate the equations using kick-drift-kick approximations as we learned from here.

We do both.

# import packages
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# speed of light constant, set to unity for convenience

# norm of vector x 
# returns scalar
# norm is softened with epsilon factor
def norm(x, epsilon=0.0):
  val =,x)**(0.5)
  return (val**2+epsilon**2)**(0.5) 

# relative distance r01 between x0, x1
# returns scalar
def rho(x0,x1):
  return norm(r)

# Represents component of Weber force depending only on relative position and velocity terms.
# returns ((N,3)) array of vectors. 
def F(state, epsilon=0.0):
  x, k = state
  aux = np.zeros((N,3))
  aux = np.array(aux, dtype=float)
  for i in range(N):
    for j in range(N):
      if i==j:
        r=np.subtract(x[j][0:3], x[i][0:3])  # r_ij, vector., r) # rhat, unit vector.
        Coulomb_factor = (-1)*k[i][-1]*k[j][-1]*(norm(r, epsilon)**-2)*(c**-2) # epsilon hard ball Coulomb factor.
        dv = np.subtract(x[j][3:6], x[i][3:6]) # dv= v_{ij}, vector., dv) # r' = rhat \cdot dv, scalar.
        s0 = c**2-(3/2)*(r_prime**2)+(norm(dv))**2  # scalar 
        aux[i] = aux[i]*s0, rhat) # vector
  return aux.reshape(-1) # flatten?

# Part of acceleration component in Weber's force.
# returns ((N,3)) array of vectors 
def P(state,a):
  x, k = state
  out = np.zeros((N,3))
  out = np.array(out, dtype=object)
  for i in range(N):
    for j in range(N):
      if i==j:
        r=np.subtract(x[j][0:3], x[i][0:3])  # r_ij, vector., r) # rhat, unit vector.
        Coulomb_factor = (+1)*k[i][-1]*k[j][-1]*(norm(r)**-1)*(c**-2) # scalar, not exactly Coulomb, rhat)   
        out[i] = out[i][i], rhat), rhat_rescaled)
  return out 

# # Part of acceleration component in Weber's force. 
# returns ((N,3)) array of vectors.
def Q(state,a):
  x, k = state
  out = np.zeros((N,3))
  out = np.array(out, dtype=object)
  for i in range(N):
    for j in range(N):
      if i==j:
        r=np.subtract(x[j][0:3], x[i][0:3])  # r_ij, vector., r) # rhat, unit vector.
        Coulomb_factor = (+1)*k[i][-1]*k[j][-1]*(norm(r)**-1)*(c**-2) # degree -1 Coulomb factor., rhat)   
        out[i] = out[i][j], rhat), rhat_rescaled)
  return out 

# G(state, a) evaluates the acceleration coefficients in Newton-Weber equation.
# returns flattened list. (N,)
def G(state, a):
  x,k = state  
  N = len(x)
  M = [[i][0], a[i]) for i in range(N)]

  return list(((M - P(state, a) + Q(state, a)).reshape(-1)))

# G_m(state) returns matrix of coefficients, obtained by evaluating G(state, b) over a basis of 3N vectors in R^(3N)
def G_m(state):
  x,k = state
  N = len(x)
  aux = []
  for i in range(3*N):
    arg = np.identity(3*N)[i].reshape(N,3)
    row = G(state, arg)
  return aux

# G_inv(state) returns the matrix inverse of G_m(state)
# most expensive step, necessary to make Newton-Weber equation explicit.
def G_inv(state):
  return np.linalg.inv(G_m(state))

# Key function: allows us to represent the accelerations terms explicitly in terms of the state input.
# returns ((N,3)) array of acceleration vectors.
def H(state, epsilon=0.0):
  x,k = state
  return G_inv(state), F(state, epsilon)).reshape((N, 3))
# left or right multiplication?? It makes a difference!

# Describes state in centre-of-mass reference frame.
def cm_frame(state):
  x, k = state
  N=len(x) # N-body system
  N1=len(x[0]) # number of coordinates, expect N1 == 9. 
  output = np.zeros((N,N1))
  output = np.array(output, dtype=float)
  for i in range(N):
    M = M + k[i][0]
  for i in range(N):
    for j in range(N):
      if i==j:
        dr = np.subtract(x[i], x[j])
        output[i] = output[i] +*k[j][0], dr)
  return output, k

# Weber Potential Energy. 
def U(x):
  x1,x2 = x
  dx = np.subtract(x2,x1)[0:3]), dx[0:3])  # unit vector
  Weber_term = (, dx[3:6]) / c)**2
  rho = norm(dx[0:3])
  return (rho**-1)*(1-Weber_term/2)

# Relative kinetic energy; specialized to two body states!
def T(x, k):
  factor1 = k[0][0]*k[1][0]/(k[0][0]+k[1][0])
  x1,x2 = x
  dx = np.subtract(x2,x1)[0:3]), dx[0:3])
  factor2 =, dx[3:6])**2
  return factor1*factor2/2

# Transition matrix describing the explicit ODE. 
def Phi(t, state_flat, arg_input):
  k, epsilon = arg_input
  N = int(len(state_flat)//6) ## we know this is going to be integral.
  state_arg = [state_flat.reshape((N,6)), k]
  aux = []
  for j in range(N):
    aux = np.append(aux, state_flat[3+6*j:6+6*j]); 
    aux = np.append(aux,  H(state_arg, epsilon)[j]); 
  return, aux)

# relative errors and absolute errors.
relerr = 1.e-10
abserr = 1.e-10

# input state.
s0 = [[[1.1,0,0, 0,0.05,0], [0,0,0, 0,0,0]], [[1.0, -1.0], [1.0, -1.0]]]; s0 = cm_frame(s0);

print("The initial state is: \n", s0)

# time points.
t_points = np.linspace(0, 30, 60)

# Run ODE solver. 
sol = solve_ivp(Phi, t_span = [0, 30], y0 = s0[0].reshape(-1), t_eval = t_points, dense_output = False, rtol=relerr, atol=abserr, args = [[s0[1], 0.001]])

N= len(sol.y[0])

print("The initial total energy U+T is equal to: ", U(s0[0])+ T(s0[0], s0[1]))

# The following for loop checks the total energy U+T along the orbit.
aux = []
for j in range(N):
  x0 = [[sol.y[i][j] for i in range(6)], [sol.y[i+6][j] for i in range(6)]  ]
  aux = np.append(aux,[[U(x0) + T(x0, s0[1])]] )
print("The total energy U+T along the solution, :", aux)


# Plotting the relative distance r=r(t) of an isolated two-body system.

r_list = [norm([sol.y[6][j]-sol.y[0][j], sol.y[7][j]-sol.y[1][j], sol.y[8][j]-sol.y[2][j]]) for j in range(N1)]

#print("r :", r_list)

plt.plot(t_points[0:N1], r_list, 'r-', label='rho(t)')
plt.plot(t_points[0:N1], sol.y[3], 'b:', label='velocity v0(t)')
plt.ylabel('relative distance')

The initial state is: 
 (array([[ 0.55 ,  0.   ,  0.   ,  0.   ,  0.025,  0.   ],
       [-0.55 ,  0.   ,  0.   ,  0.   , -0.025,  0.   ]]), [[1.0, -1.0], [1.0, -1.0]])
The initial total energy U+T is equal to:  0.9090909090909091
The total energy U+T along the solution, : [0.90909091 0.90869251 0.90055835 0.90519135 0.9088526  0.90907976
 0.90844495 0.88047108 0.90696577 0.90895838 0.90904684 0.9080492
 0.06693858 0.90782901 0.90902694 0.90898846 0.90736876 0.84741031
 0.90831125 0.90906762 0.90889715 0.90605585 0.89642199 0.9086049
 0.90908534 0.90875934 0.90299073 0.90394297 0.90879353 0.90908225
 0.90855047 0.89269012 0.90642974 0.90891793 0.90905815 0.90822328
 0.79566304 0.90755034 0.90899964 0.90901043 0.90767876 0.69127176
 0.90814804 0.90905036 0.90893313 0.90668069 0.88852305 0.9085016
 0.90907662 0.90881562 0.90454536 0.90205765 0.9087248  0.90908156
 0.90863853 0.89852811 0.90570423 0.90887101 0.9090659  0.9083656 ]

# We make 3D plot of the position of particles x0(t) and x1(t)
# also include 3D plot of the velocities of v0(t) of the particle x0. 

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
plt.plot(sol.y[0], sol.y[1], sol.y[2], "g", label='position of particle x0(t) with -1 charge')
plt.plot(sol.y[6], sol.y[7], sol.y[8], "b-", label='position of particle x1(t) with -1 charge')
#plt.quiver(sol.y[0], sol.y[1], sol.y[2], sol.y[3], sol.y[4], sol.y[5], color = 'r', label='x0(t) with -1 charge')
#plt.quiver(sol.y[6], sol.y[7], sol.y[8], sol.y[9], sol.y[10], sol.y[11], color = 'g', label='x1(t) with -1 charge')

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
plt.plot(sol.y[3], sol.y[4], sol.y[5], "g:", label='velocity of particle x0(t) with -1 charge')
plt.plot(sol.y[6], sol.y[7], sol.y[8], "b:", label='velocity of particle x1(t) with -1 charge')
#plt.quiver(sol.y[0], sol.y[1], sol.y[2], sol.y[3], sol.y[4], sol.y[5], color = 'r', label='x0(t) with -1 charge')
#plt.quiver(sol.y[6], sol.y[7], sol.y[8], sol.y[9], sol.y[10], sol.y[11], color = 'g', label='x1(t) with -1 charge')

Integrating Newton-Weber Following NMoscz' Vectorized Kick-Drift-Kick Pattern:

Reference : Moscz' github repository for nbody-python, which pattern we basically adapted.

# initial input state vector.
s0 = [[[1.1,0.0,0, 0,0.05,0], [0,0,0, 0,0,0]], [[1.0, -1.0], [1.0, -1.0]]]; s0 = cm_frame(s0);

# Epsilon is "softening parameter"

# End time.
tEnd = 40.0

# Time step
dt = 0.001

# Number of time points.
Nt = int(np.ceil(tEnd/dt))

# All discrete time points in the interval of integration.
t_all = np.arange(Nt+1)

# Initialize time at t=0.

# Initializing the saved state vector. 
state_save = np.zeros((2, 6, Nt+1))

# Setting initial state argument.
state_arg = s0[0];
state_save[:, :, 0] = state_arg

# Run the main for loop, implement kick-drift-kick approximation.
for i in range(Nt):
  acc = H([state_arg, s0[1]], epsilon)
	# half kick, velocity update.
  state_arg[:, 3:6] += acc * dt/2.0
  # drift, position update.
  state_arg[:,0:3] += state_arg[:, 3:6] * dt
  #update acceleration, re-evaluate according to updated state_arg.
  acc = H([state_arg, s0[1]], epsilon)
  # half kick, velocity update.
  state_arg[:, 3:6] += acc * dt/2.0
  #update time
  state_save[:,:,i+1] = state_arg

# Relabel the saved state.
y = state_save;

# prep figure

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
xs = y[0, 0, :]
ys = y[0, 1, :]
zs = y[0, 2, :]
plt.plot(xs, ys, zs, "g", label='position of particle x0(t) with -1 charge')

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
xs = y[0, 3, :]
ys = y[0, 4, :]
zs = y[0, 5, :]
plt.plot(xs, ys, zs, "g:", label='velocity of particle x0(t) with -1 charge')


The above images are pretty good. In fact we're very pleased with the vectorized implementation since the solution is definitely obtained quickly, and we find the 3D images are quite satisfactory. Having successfully verified the critical radius and the stable molecule consisting of identical negative electric charges $(-1) + (-1)$, we now proceed with the three-body problem!