We have to make absolutely clear the derivation of the ODE representing Weber Hamilton system. Here we only treat the two-body case, although we continue to slowly count 2,3,4,5,6, towards the question of whether Bohr is really more energetically probable than Weber-Sansbury's models.
Jan 28, 2023
[Chaos Post: Everything Under Construction] A simple question with non obvious answer. Which model is more probable, Bohr's or Sansbury's? It's a billion dollar question. This post has alot of words but not enough calculations. We need to figure out the correct KDK integration scheme for Weber's potential, and this is work in progress. Remember that nobody has seen the atom, and it is essentially unseeable since it does not radiate energy to the environment. But it's perhaps more structured than classical and quantum theories allow.
Jan 26, 2023
We have been writing alot, but nothings finished. Stay tuned.
Jan 21, 2023
What's the purpose of this website? To publish ideas, brief articles, and to collect and broadcast our work. All the posts reflect many years of work, although the physics posts are much more recent. We left academia, we failed to publish papers, and this is why we live in obscurity with nobody reading or mindful of our work. My hope is that this blog survives longer than I do, and at least the ideas are recorded here for posterity. This is our fault and we're fixing it.
Jan 17, 2023
We have an idea about computing zero subset sums using Laurent polynomials and symbolic calculators. Essentially expanding powers of Laurent polynomials is computationally equivalent to sampling subsets of integers. It's trivial, but it's something useful that we've used with Mathematica and here with SymPy. There's an idea here which we probably learned from Dror Bar-Natan's Shameless Mathematica course and his categorical construction of Khovanov homology, Alexander polynomials, and Euler characteristics, etc..You can do alot with trivial observations!
Jan 15, 2023
JHM Labs had to return to temporary work to continue funding our research. But we're back!
Jan 14, 2023
Book Review on Manjir Kumar book titled Quantum: Einstein, Bohr, and the Great Debate About the Nature of Reality.
Nov 11, 2022
We examine the Hamilton equations for Weber's potential in an isolated two-body system. We construct an invariant measure on the xv state space which is rather distinct from the conventional Gibbs Liouville measure.
Nov 9, 2022
[Under Construction] We begin a review of Planck's constant $h$ in light of Weber's force law. This means re evaluating the Hamiltonian action of electrons in the hydrogen atom. This is the first of many more posts on the topic.
Nov 7, 2022
We continue to investigate Weber's force law, especially in the two body isolated system. In this post we record the current status of our python code for integrating the Newton-Weber equations of motion. We model the orbits of the stable (-1)+(-1) molecule within the Weber critical radius.
Nov 2, 2022
We continue to investigate Weber's force law in the two body isolated system. In this post we briefly remark on the difference in escape velocities as computed by Coulomb and Weber's force law.
Nov 2, 2022
Brief book review of Susan Dry's book about Newton's Manuscripts.
Oct 25, 2022
[Under Construction] We discuss Faraday cages and the strange absence of proper mathematical derivations of their properties. This leads us to locate a source of confusion in the mathematical derivations of Faraday cage properties, and also leads us to review some erroneous alleged proofs. Ultimately we follow Assis and Weber that the electric field inside regions bounded by conductors are not necessarily zero. In otherwords, there should be some motion in the actress' tinsel inside the Faraday cage. But why is none apparently observed?
Oct 24, 2022
[Under Construction] Brief remark on some ideas of Andre-Marie Ampere related to magnetism. Contains Assis' proof of the non-existence of magnetic monopoles as deduced from Ampere force law between current elements.
Oct 24, 2022
This post is under major construction. We continue to work on Weber two body problem with a view towards the more general N body problem. Again the challenge is that Weber's force law leads to second order linear differential equations which contain the acceleration terms implicitly. And this is obstruction to using the standard ODE solvers available to python. We have therefore been using a DAE (specifically GEKKO) to integrate the equations of state for the two body systems. However GEKKO does not offer as much visibility into the DAE solver as we would like. Therefore we have limited confidence in the accuracy of the solutions obtained.
Oct 22, 2022