2022-02-10-Verifying Conservation of Energy with Python.
Dear Professor Assis,
I am currently studying the Weber potential $U= \frac{e_1 e_2}{r} (1-\frac{r'^2}{2c^2})$ in python, and specifically looking at the equations of motion of an isolated two-body system. For computation i have chosen one particle to be the origin, and look to solve the equations of motion for the second particle. In computations I take $e_1=e_2=1$ and $c=1$, and the relative mass of the second particle to be $m=0.5$. (Is that mass to small?)
I am fairly confident that I have correctly integrated the equations of motion using python's odeint.
However I am not able to satisfactorily verify conservation of energy $d(T+U)=0$ along the trajectories, and I am not confident that I have the correct expression for kinetic energy $T$, i use the naive expression $T=mv^2/2$, where $v^2$ is computed in usual way as sum of squares of the velocities of the second particle of mass $m=0.5$. When I use the above expression for $T$ I find the sum $T+U$ is not constant along solutions to the equations of motion $mr''=ma=F$, where $F=-\hat{r} \frac{dU}{dr}$ is Weber's force.
From your book on "Relational Mechanics" i understand that kinetic energy is more properly defined as the interaction energy of the particle with the stars at infinity. But is the naive kinetic energy $T=mv^2/2$ the correct expression for the isolated two-body system?
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint, solve_ivp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
m=0.5 ## mass of second test particle
c=1.0 ## speed of light constant in Weber's potential
## Kinetic Energy: we use the naive expression for vis viva. Is it correct?
def T(vx, vy, vz):
return m*(vx*vx+vy*vy+vz*vz)/2
## Weber Potential Energy
def U(x,y,z,vx,vy,vz):
r=(x*x + y*y + z*z)**0.5
return (r**-1)*(1-(rdot**2)/2)
## Integrating equations of motion relative Weber's Force Law.
## I think I have implemented everything correctly. The formula for rdot is from Relational Mechanics, pp.168
## but perhaps I have the wrong formula for r'' and have not applied Newtons second law F=mr'' correctly?
def weber(t, state):
x, y, z, vx, vy, vz = state
r=(x*x + y*y + z*z)**0.5
dxdt = vx
dydt = vy
dzdt = vz
dvxdt = (x/r)*A*B*C
dvydt = (y/r)*A*B*C
dvzdt = (z/r)*A*B*C
return [dxdt, dydt, dzdt, dvxdt, dvydt, dvzdt]
t_span = (0.0, 40.0)
t = np.arange(0.0, 40.0, 0.001)
y0=[0, 1.2, 0, 0, -0.4, .1] ## initial state of the system y0=[x, y, z, vx, vy, vz]
result = odeint(weber, y0, t, tfirst=True)
Energy=T(y0[3], y0[4], y0[5] ) + U(y0[0],y0[1],y0[2],y0[3],y0[4],y0[5])
print('The initial total energy T+U is equal to:', Energy)
print('The luminal energy is:', m*c*c/2)
print('The energy is subliminal:', Energy < m*c**2 /2)
r=(y0[0]*y0[0] + y0[1]*y0[1] + y0[2]*y0[2])**0.5
print('Webers critical radius is equal to:',(m*c*c)**-1)
print('The initial radius r is within the Weber critical distance:', r < (m*c*c)**-1 )
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1, projection='3d')
ax.plot(result[:, 0],
result[:, 1],
result[:, 2])
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2, projection='3d')
ax.plot(result[:, 3],
result[:, 4],
result[:, 5])
import matplotlib.pyplot
import pylab
def rho(x,y,z):
return (x*x+y*y+z*z)**0.5
for j in range(4000):
(rho(result[j,0], result[j,1], result[j,2]),
T(result[j,3], result[j,4], result[j,5]))
for j in range(4000):
(rho(result[j,0], result[j,1], result[j,2]),
U(result[j,0],result[j,1],result[j,2],result[j,3],result[j,4],result[j,5])+T(result[j,3], result[j,4], result[j,5]))
prelist1 = list(zip(*v_list))
pylab.xlabel('distance r')
pylab.ylabel('Kinetic Energy T')
pylab.title('rT plot')
prelist2 = list(zip(*U_list))
pylab.xlabel('distance r')
pylab.title('Conservation of Energy')
## Error. Expect to see conservation of energy T+U = constant in the second figure. However the sum T+U appears nonconstant.
Discussion: The horizontal axis is the radial distance $r$ from the origin, and the vertical axis is the energy value. We expect the second figure to be a horizontal straight line. It does appear basically flat except for blow-up behaviour at small distance. Perhaps given the relative size of the interval of integration, namely $0.001$, the total energy $T+U$ is constant within error.
Is this loss/gain of energy a defect from the odeint routine? In otherwords, is energy not conserved because of cumulative errors and approximations in the solution?
for j in range(50):
+ T(result[j,3], result[j,4], result[j,5])
Lagrangian L=T-U
Given the conservation of energy $d(T+U)=0$ it seems natural to consider the so-called Lagrangian $L=T-U$. But what do we expect from this lagrangian? Is there any reason to believe that a "minimum action" principle holds for two-body systems? Does the above naive expression for $L$ actually correspond to a reasonable action functional on the state space?
for j in range(4000):
(rho(result[j,0], result[j,1], result[j,2]),
-U(result[j,0],result[j,1],result[j,2],result[j,3],result[j,4],result[j,5])+T(result[j,3], result[j,4], result[j,5]))
prelist2 = list(zip(*L_list))