We present the formal definition of Closing Steinberg symbols.

Let $\Gamma$ be a group acting on a space $X$ by group action $X \times \Gamma \to X$. If $P \subset X$ is a subset of $X$, then a finite subset $I$ of $\Gamma$ is said to formally close $P$ if the iterated symmetric difference of $\{ \gamma. P ~|~ \gamma\in I\}$ vanishes (equal to empty set $\emptyset$).

N.B. The vanishing of the iterated symmetric difference means the chain sum $\gamma.P$, for $\gamma \in I$, vanishes over mod 2 coefficients. I.e. every element in the $I$-translates of $P$ occurs an even number of times.

The above is the abstract formulation of a problem we call Closing the Steinberg symbol. In our applications the subset $P$ is a panel representing the convex hull of a sphere at infinity which is called the "Steinberg symbol".

Now the key to Closing Steinberg (CS) is to find nontrivial formal solutions. We will illustrate with the specific group $\Gamma = Mod(S)$ which is the mapping class group of a compact hyperbolic surface $S$. We will begin with genus $g(S)=2$.

Now we introduce the basic functions using Mark C. Bell's curver:

Now we make the basic definitions of the reference pant, and the mapping class elements $\zeta, \nu, \mu$.

pant={a,b,c}    ## pant={a,b,c} is the standard pant.  
zeta=a*e*c*f*b  ## zeta is the order 6 element in MCG arising from chain relation. ##   
nu=a*e*c*f      ## nu is order 10 element in MCG 
mu=nu**4        ## mu is order 5 element in MCG.

We define $\xi$ as the union of the standard pair of pants with its $\mu$-translate. The $\mu$-translate of $\{a,b,c\}$ is a pair of pants dual to $\{a,b,c\}$.

The mapping class element $\mu$ is an order 5 element in $Mod(S_2)$. We propose that the powers of $\mu$, namely $I=\{Id, \mu, \mu^2, \mu^3, \mu^4\}$, formally close the symbol $\xi$. This solution will be nontrivial because we will establish that $\mu^i\xi = \mu^j\xi$ if and only if $i=j$. Thus the $I$-translates of $\xi$ are distinct, while the chain sum $\sum_{i=0}^4 \mu^i\xi$ vanishes over ${\bf{Z}}/2$ coefficient.

## xi is obtained by joining the initial pant p with its mu translate. 
xi=pant|Translate(mu, pant)  

## important to verify that pant and the mu-translate are disjoint.
## Ad(mu,pant) is "opposite pair of pants"

print("The mu translate of the standard pant is disjoint from pant. ", pant & Translate(mu, pant) == set())  


## The following proves that all the symbol translates are nontrivial, and there is no complete coincidence
## between the translated symbols.
print("The mu translates of xi are all pairwise distinct:", M0!=M1 and M0!=M2 and M0!=M3 and M0!=M4 and M1!=M2 and M1!=M3 and M1!=M4 and M2!=M3 and M2!=M4 and M3!=M4  )
## The following proves that the total chain sum of the translated symbols vanishes mod 2. 
## I.e. the iterated symmetric difference of the translated symbols is equal to empty set.
print("The iterated symmetric difference of the mu translates is empty.", ((((M0^M1))^M2)^M3)^M4 ==set())
print("The mu-orbit of xi is supported on ten curves.", 10==len(M0|M1|M2|M3|M4)   )

print("Therefore we find I={Id, mu, mu**2, mu**3, mu**4} is a formal solution to Closing the Steinberg symbol xi in genus two.")
The mu translate of the standard pant is disjoint from pant.  True

The mu translates of xi are all pairwise distinct: True

The iterated symmetric difference of the mu translates is empty. True

The mu-orbit of xi is supported on ten curves. True

Therefore we find I={Id, mu, mu**2, mu**3, mu**4} is a formal solution to Closing the Steinberg symbol xi in genus two.

So we have found a formal solution $I$ to CS. For applications we need further verify that $I$ satisfies further geometric properties. Specifically we need establish:

  • the $I$-translates of $\xi$ have a well-defined convex hull $F:=conv(I.\xi)$ in $Teich(S)$.
  • the $\Gamma$-translates of $F$ generate a chain sum $\underline{F}:=\sum_{\gamma \in \Gamma} \gamma.F$ with well separated gates equal to the $\Gamma$-translates of $\xi$.

Informally the idea is that $\xi$ represents a "panel" $P$, and $I$ closes the panel in the sense that the $I$-translates of the panel assemble to a closed ball. (Similar to how the (triangular, hexagonal) panels of a soccer ball assemble to form the closed ball).

But we must further study the $\Gamma$-translates of the ball itself, i.e. of the convex hull $F$. Most important for our setting is that the intersections of the various translates $\gamma F \cap \gamma' F$ have a "standard form", namely isometric to $\xi$ (the panel $P$).

Remark. It's not clear whether the above verification of ``well-separated gates" can be performed in curver. While we are capable of considering the $\Gamma$ action on the elements of $I.\xi$, we cannot necessarily compute the intersections $F\cap \gamma F$. The issue is that $F\cap \gamma F$ can intersect "at-infinity" (i.e. be asymptotic) without the convex hulls having an intersection in the interior of $Teich(S)$. Formally the solutions to CS solve a problem at infinity, but the next step is to study the solutions in the interior, and this becomes more geometric.